Owning a dog may be beneficial for the mental health of adults having autism spectrum disorder


It’s a known fact that adult individuals who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have mental health issues and be suicidal. According to a new study that has been published in Scientific Reports (Impact factor =4.38), individuals with ASD that adopt a dog show a significant amount of improvement in the mental aspect.

yardımcı köpek, dog, autism, help, save

During the research that Barcelos and his group (2021) led in the UK: 36 individuals that have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are between ages 18 and 74 and own a dog have been chosen. It has been detected that about 17% of the participants avoided committing suicide because of their dogs. Aside from that, the need of taking care of the dog or the affection that the dog gives, in other words, the overall existence of a dog has proven to have a positive effect on mental health.

Unfortunately, people with ASD are suffering from little or limited understanding from the public. Another case about the research being held in the ASD field is that they are mainly focused on children, even though autism is a life-long condition. It has been detected that people in the autism spectrum are more likely to suffer from other mental problems such as anxiety and depression, plus a higher rate of suicide.

According to the findings of researchers, we understand that participating in human-dog-related activities seems to have a positive outcome, and even if the dog is just present in the environment, it seems to be helping people in all aspects. Interactions such as playing with the dog or taking them for a walk have been shown to improve health. Some of the participants also mentioned that their dog specifically prevented them from committing suicide, which has been recorded as a critical value in research. But researchers have reported that aside from the positive effects, there is also a negative side that shows itself once a dog performs an unwanted behaviour, gets sick or has maintenance problems.

It gives the owners an incredible amount of accomplishment and pride if the dog is well-behaving and effectively trained. Owning a dog or participating in human-dog activities shows not only a positive effect but also a healing effect on social interactions and causes an increase in self-improvement in individuals with ASD.

Even though this study explains the basics of the idea, they have stated that with a more comprehensive study, the impact of dogs on human lives could be explained better.

Further reading: Barcelos, A.M., Kargas, N., Packham, C. et al. Understanding the impact of dog ownership on autistic adults: implications for mental health and suicide prevention. Sci Rep 11, 23655 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02504-8

Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs: A New Approach to Assess and Monitor Inflammation and Oxidative Stress


According to a recent study, a specially formulated nutrient supplement was added to the diet and promising results were determined in monitoring advanced chronic kidney disease in dogs.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) causes irreversible loss of kidney function and is often considered a disease of senior adult animals. The severity of this disease is divided into different stages (1-4) according to the International Renal Interest Association (IRIS). Even if radical treatment is not possible,  conventional and alternative treatment methods are used. Besides, diet adjustments and periodic laboratory tests are made to follow and hold the disease under control.

kronik-yetmezlik, kidney

The results of the research carried out by Elisa Martello and her team to test a new nutritional supplement for the control of the disease were published in the journal Veterinary Sciences (Impact factor = 2.304), a journal of the very prestigious MDPI. In the study, which included 30 dogs with CKD, the animals were divided into two groups. They added 15 different nutritional supplements with a special formulation that they prepared in addition to a commercial kidney diet to one and a commercial kidney diet to the other. These included Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL, Olea europaea L. extract, chitosan, calcium lactate-gluconate and fructooligosaccharides. The animals were fed in accordance with the study procedure for 90 days, and at the end, clinical examinations and laboratory analyses were made, and the results were evaluated.

According to the results of the researchers, it was determined that creatinine values, which is a critical marker of kidney disease, decreased significantly in the group that took the nutritional supplement they prepared.

The mean creatinine value, which was 3.17 mg/dL at the beginning, decreased to 2.4 mg/dL at the end of the study. There was no significant change in the group that did not take the nutritional supplement. Similarly, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), phosphorus (P), symmetrical dimethylarginine (SDMA), urine protein:creatinine ratio (UPC), c-reactive protein (CRP-inflammation marker) and reactive oxygen metabolite derivative compounds (d-ROM) values ​​were also found to decrease in the group that received nutritional supplements. In this sense, the regression of oxidative stress can be considered an important result. It is known that oxidative stress directly contributes to the progression of CKD by causing tissue damage and inflammation.

The researchers also emphasized that their results covered a small sample group and most animals with third-stage CKD. In other words, the study data represented a limited group. This type of study needs to be improved by performing a larger study that includes both a larger population of dogs and different analysis parameters. Researchers emphasised this situation and actually opened a new door.

As a conclusion of the study, it was stated that this new nutritional supplement may be a good approach to controlling metabolic, inflammatory, and oxidative processes in animals with advanced CRF.

Further reading: Martello E, Perondi F, Bruni N, Bisanzio D, Meineri G, Lippi I. Chronic Kidney Disease and Dietary Supplementation: Effects on Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. Vet Sci. 2021 Nov 15;8(11):277. doi: 10.3390/vetsci8110277. PMID: 34822650.

Martin Rodbell and The Components of Cellular Communication: Journey To The Discovery of G-proteins…


Martin Rodbell was a biochemist best recognized for discovering G-proteins. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1994 for his studies on “G-proteins and their role in signal transduction in cells.”

Martin Rodbell, G-proteins

Martin Rodbell, father of G-proteins, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on December 1, 1925. After finishing his public school education there, he attended Johns Hopkins University in 1943. Even though he primarily studied Latin, Greek, German, and French, he became more interested in French because of his friends, and this interest affected the course of his educational life. While at university, he served in the navy in World War II and, as a Jew, believed that battling Hitler was a priority.

When he was serving as a navy radio operator on the Japanese front in the Pacific Ocean in 1944, he realised that the communication and experiences with different individuals under challenging circumstances had actually prepared him to become a scientist. When he returned from the war in 1946, he intended to continue his schooling at Johns Hopkins. While Rodbell was attracted to French literature, her father was eager to his attend medical school. The turning point in this process occurred when James Ebert recognised his passion for the philosophy of science and embryology and realised then he wanted to have a career in the biological sciences. To progress in the discipline of biochemistry, he stayed at Hopkins for another year and studied advanced chemistry courses, as suggested by Bentley Glass, one of the great professors in the biology department.

Once he met Barbara Ledermann in 1949, she brought with him a group of companions who were interested in a wide range of creative art. Rodbell, who married in 1950 and became a participant in the world of science and art, later relocated to Seattle and began working at the University of Washington. Working on lipid chemistry, specifically phospholipid metabolism, he learnt methods of examining the actions of phospholipases in ether solutions from his thesis advisor, Donald Hanahan. In 1954, he earned his PhD with his thesis on the biosynthesis of lecithin in rat liver. In the same year, the head of the University of Illinois’ Department of Chemistry, Dr Herbert E. Carter, contributed to the study of chloramphenicol biosynthesis. During his two years there, he also worked as a teacher, but he realized that he wanted to continue his research on the biochemistry of lecithin found in cell membranes.

Martin Rodbell accepted the position of biochemistry research assistant in Christian Anfinsen’s lab at the National Heart Institutes in Maryland in 1956.

Dr Edward Korn identified lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes chylomicron triglycerides, as a clearing factor. Rodbell, on the other hand, was interested in discriminating the nature of lipoproteins on the surface of chylomicrons and using the “fingerprint” method, he determined that there were at least five different proteins that will later be proven to have important roles in lipoprotein-containing diseases. When he decided to return to embryology research in 1960, he joined the University of Brussels. With the guidance of Jean Brachet, he observed the technique of X-ray films for recording the localization of tritium-labelled molecules in cells. After that, Dr In Peter Gaillard’s lab in Leiden, obtained specialized training in the use of cultured heart cells to differentiate the uptake of tritium-labelled chylomicrons.

Rodbell’s interest switched from the metabolic functions of lipid proteins to the effect of hormones (particularly insulin and glucagon) on individual cells while he was at the Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases Institute in the mid-1960s. Korn observed that the enzyme was found in adipose tissue, while Rodbell observed that collagenase digested and released fat cells. Following a meeting with Bernardo Houssay in 1963, he focused on the functioning mechanism of hormones on isolated cells and released his essay “Metabolism of Isolated Fat Cells” in 1964, which drew widespread attention in the field of endocrinology. After identifying that the mechanism of action of phospholipases mimicked the effect of the hormone on glucose utilization and protein synthesis, but that their action was limited to the surface membrane, he suggested that insulin-stimulating phospholipases could alter the structure of the surface membrane. All of these findings suggested that the insulin receptor is found on the surface of fat cells. Rodbell continued his studies on the hormone-sensitive fat cell, which he dubbed the “ghost,” by safeguarding the cell’s structural and metabolic features.

Rodbell greatly contributed to the understanding of the importance and function of G-proteins in 1969.

Following Earl W. Sutherland’s speech on hormones, activity drew the attention of many biochemists when he announced the hypothesis that the first messenger operates on the cell surface and triggers the “second messenger” mechanism, leading Rodbell to focus on the cyclic AMP paradigm. In 1967, when he travelled to Geneva, he collaborated with Torben Clausen on the effects of hormones on ions and amino acid translocations in “ghost” fat cells, concluding that hormones are pleiotropic agents. In 1968, while working with rat liver membrane cells, he believed the existence of a receptor for transducing and transmitting signals that trigger intracellular processes.

In 1969, he made a significant contribution to the understanding of the role and function of G-proteins by developing a system he dubbed “transmission of signal” for describing the components of cellular communication. Alfred G. Gilman and Rodbell during try to stimulate cells with adrenaline, discovered in 1970 that the main component of the cell transducer is a GTP (guanosine triphosphate)-dependent protein —Guanine nucleotide-binding protein/G-protein— that plays a role in impulse transmission. It is also known that when these molecules fail to perform their receptor functions adequately, they are linked to illnesses like diabetes, blindness, and allergies.

He was transferred to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in 1985 after serving as Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Geneva from 1981 to 1983. Following his retirement, Rodbell and Alfred G. Gilman were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1994 for their independent work that led to the discovery of the G protein. After receiving the Nobel Prize, he went on to teach at high schools and universities. The Rodbell lecture series was initiated by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and Rodbell has spoken on the discovery process and its work at several of its conferences.

During his lifetime, Rodbell enables scientists from all over the world to share their opinions and experiences, and he defined his profession and life as “In many respects, my career and my experiences with people and events have been seamless in that I cannot separate one from another. Without doubt, the thread of one’s life should be within the matrix of the total human experience.” he died on December 7, 1998, six days after his seventieth birthday, in North Carolina. He left his pupils and scientists, who saw themselves as Rodbell’s disciples, in craving and sorrow.


  • Biographical Overview | Martin Rodbell – Profiles in Science. U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, https://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/spotlight/gg/feature/biographical.
  • Martin Rodbell. Martin Rodbell American Biochemist, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/biography/Martin-Rodbell.
  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1994. NobelPrize.org, https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1994/rodbell/biographical/.
  • Who Was Martin Rodbell? Everything You Need to Know. Martin Rodbell Biography, https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/martin-rodbell-7650.php.

Association of certain foods with heart disease in dogs: A Foodomics study

golden retriever

A recent foodomics study reported that the presence of legumes such as peas or lentils in the diet may contribute to the development of dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common heart disease in dogs. This disorder causes the chambers of the heart to enlarge and pump blood less effectively. So, dogs may face congestive heart failure or unexpected death.

Historically, it is known that the disease mainly affects large breed dogs and Cocker Spaniels. However, in 2018, United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials reported that they began receiving reports of DCM regarding dogs of other breeds as well. Additionally, in 2020, the FDA said it had received approximately 1,100 reports of adverse events linked to DCM since January 2014 and plans to collaborate with researchers on studies of non-hereditary DCM, including its possible link to diet.

FDA representatives reported that more than 9 out of 10 dogs with DCM identified in the reports were fed diets rich in peas, lentils, or both, and in this regard, a study was initiated to evaluate the association between nine diets associated with dogs with DCM.

Studies involving the discovery and comparison of biochemical compounds in foods, similar to studies on all metabolites in body fluids or tissues (metabolomics), are defined as “foodomics” and is an important field of study today; in other words, the metabolomic approach to food. Therefore, researchers identified, measured and compared the concentrations of 830 biochemical compounds in foods in diets in order to shed more light on the link between diet and the development of disease.

mercimek, lentil, heart
bezelye, pea, heart

Researchers have found that diets associated with DCM have lower levels of B vitamins related to cardiac metabolism and synthesis of carnitine and taurine. Additionally, diets associated with DCM also have higher concentrations of amino acids, amino acid derivatives, and plant-derived compounds; suggested that some of these may contribute to deficiencies in molecules essential for cardiac function by affecting carnitine metabolism. On the other hand, given that dietary taurine deficiency in cats is a cause of DCM, when researchers examined its concentration in different feeds, they found no significant taurine-related differences for dogs.

In conclusion, some components were identified that contributed to the biochemical differences between diets. Peas and, to a lesser extent, lentils appear to be major sources of high concentrations of certain biochemical compounds in diets associated with DCM. Although researchers cannot definitively determine whether any of these compounds and components are the cause of the disease, their findings indicate that peas may be the main component associated with dietary DCM in dogs.

Further reading: Smith, C.E., Parnell, L.D., Lai, CQ. et al. Investigation of diets associated with dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs using foodomics analysis. Sci Rep 11, 15881 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-94464-2

Bronze Age farmers are thought to have given cows a preferential feeding strategy over other domesticated animals.

tunç devri

According to new research, the meat and milk products from Bronze Age China played a remarkable role in human diets, unlike what has been thought previously. This work also suggests that farmers and shepherds have treated their cows differently from how they treated their goats and sheep, which is different compared to the rest of the world. They kept their cows closer to their homes and fed them with byproducts of their own food that they grow, like grains and millet stalks.

It is possible to get archaeological records of how crops were planted and domestic animals moved in prehistoric Eurasia. The point that is not clear enough is: how did farmers and herders from the Bronze Age manage to combine those newly introduced domestic animals (like southwestern Asian cows) into their long-lasting traditional agriculture and cuisine?

cow, Bronze Age, holstein

A study from Scientific Reports, a reputable journal in its field, combines data from the latest and earlier research that has been obtained from nine sites along the Hexi (Gansu) Corridor, a significant region between the Tibetan Plateau and the Gobi Desert that was used to ease the course of ancient crops between East and Central Asia. Aside from that, researchers also strengthen their findings by making analyses on bone records and isotope samples from plants, animals and people.

The head author of the research, Petra Vaiglova, says that “We were able to examine the diet of local herbivores from the Hexi Corridor in northwest China during the Bronze Age by using the stable isotope analysis method.” Results indicate that in the studied region, ecological niches differ greatly because of the distinct management differences between cattle, sheep, and goats. To us, that derived from the effort of local farmers who tried to merge conventional and innovative methods into a balance.

Hexi Koridoru, Bronze Age
Hexi Corridor: It is a historical route in the Chinese province of Gansu.

According to the findings of researchers, it seems like locals just let the sheep and goats graze around the village and feed on naturally grown flora, while for cows, they both let them graze and also fed them at the same time. The cow bones that were analysed by them also show that there were plants from drier lands that weren’t really included in natural flora. Those foreign corps include Eastern Asia-originated millet plants.

Those discoveries show that the diet of cows was highly shaped by humans and so they have been kept closer to human villages compared to sheep and goats.

Xinyi Liu, an important author of the research, comments that “As the results imply, at Hexi Corridor there are similar results of domesticating and localising cows that have been significantly domesticated in a different environment. Areas whose grazing sites are limited for cows, tend to be suitable for a pig-based economy rather than cattle stall-feeding.”

Researchers claim that those results match up with modern ethnographic examples from North China, where cows won’t graze in open local fields like sheep and goats do, but stand closer to where people have settled.

According to Liu, recognising the agricultural and dietary conditions of the past can help us face some of the problems of today’s world. Those challenges are not only environmental but also social. Assuming that the soil moisture is decreasing worldwide because of the climate that just keeps getting warmer, we are able to draw some similarities between northwest China and Mid-Holocene conditions. Based on the increased innovations in the agriculture field, long-term social influences have been formed during 5000–1500 BC on the Eurasian continent. Identification of the genuine nature of those innovations around the continents may help us to build the foundations of cultivation implementations in today’s marginal world.

Further reading: Petra Vaiglova, Rachel E. B. Reid, Emma Lightfoot, Suzanne E. Pilaar Birch, Hui Wang, Guoke Chen, Shuicheng Li, Martin Jones, Xinyi Liu. Localized management of non-indigenous animal domesticates in Northwestern China during the Bronze Age. Scientific Reports, 2021; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95233-x

Source: ScienceDaily

Yoga may be beneficial for MS patients

Multiple Sclerosis is accepted as the most common Central Nervous System (CNS) disease worldwide and is among the autoimmune diseases group.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease has a complex aetiology and although there are many studies, its cause cannot be fully explained. It is believed to occur through the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. When low serum vitamin D levels, ultraviolet rays, smoking, childhood obesity and Epstein-Barr virus infection are evaluated together with the genetic history of the individual, it is shown that these causes play a major role in the development of the disease. In addition, it is important to improve the quality of life of these MS patients, and yoga has been studied in this sense.

ms, yoga, myelin sheath
In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibres, causing communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body.

Nerve cells have protective sheaths that surround them, called myelin sheaths. In MS disease, the immune system of the individual cannot identify his own nerve cells and tries to destroy them, causing damage and/or destruction of the myelin sheaths called demyelination. As a result, CNS inflammation occurs. As a result, nerve cells are damaged and the nerve transmission is damaged. Various nervous system disorders occur as a result of damage to these nerve fibres, which are located in the white matter of the CNS and enable information exchange with other cells of the body. Double vision or blindness, incoordination, muscle weakness, numbness/tingling in the face or body, chronic pain and fatigue are among the common symptoms. These symptoms differ from individual to individual. Changes in mood and sleep problems are also common symptoms after an MS diagnosis.

MS patients are advised to eat healthily and act under the control of experts, and examine their own body, mind and emotional state as a whole while performing the movements. Thus, the individual will choose what is good for him with awareness and will try to minimize the aggressive course of the disease with self-awareness. For these reasons, the connection of MS disease with the philosophy and practice of Yoga has gained importance, especially in recent years, and the number of scientific studies on this subject is increasing day by day.

YOGA: A supportive approach to MS patients

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”. The word yuj means oneness of body, mind and spirit, which means unity, devotion.


Yoga is a traditional method that originated in India over 5000 years ago. There are different types of yoga today. The underlying principle of all types of yoga is the same and consists of the forms of Asana (physical posture), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Dhayana (meditation).

Yoga in general; preserving its traditional form and philosophy, it is applied to develop mental and physical strength, endurance, flexibility, calmness and a sense of harmony. All postures are practiced by observing the body and mind. This allows the individual to observe and develop himself/herself as a whole with awareness.

The effect of yoga on individuals with MS has been examined from the past to the present.

Vasudeva ve arkadaşlarının (2020)

In the study of Vasudeva et al. (2020); The history of each MS patient was examined and the program was created as a group. In addition to the asanas, the traditional form of yoga was preserved, and speaking the philosophy of yoga, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation were included in the program. Certain sections from the book “Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras” have been selected and included in the program so that the patient can better synthesize himself in terms of pain and accept himself. This book was written by Patanjali, a sage. It is a book written in India between 500 and 400 AD and contains information about yoga from very ancient traditions. The daily routines (such as sleep patterns, and eating habits) of the patients participating in the program were arranged and also; A plant-based diet was recommended to patients. At the end of the study, the patient’s energy levels, pain states, balance in physical movements, strength and flexibility, self-confidence, urinary incontinence, sleep states, and changes in digestive and emotional states were examined. Positive results were obtained in all parameters examined and no side effects were reported.

In the study of Cohen et al. (2017); Yoga philosophy, breathing techniques and meditation were also included in the program along with asanas, and MS patients started a regular yoga program for eight weeks, twice a week. At the end of the program, each patient’s quality of life, mental status and physical condition were examined. It has been observed that the positive change in the mood of the individual increases the quality of life of the patient together with physical strengthening. No undesirable effects were reported.

In general, the purpose of all studies; The aim was to systematically evaluate and meta-analyze data on the efficacy and safety of yoga in improving health-related quality of life, fatigue, mobility, mood, and cognitive function in MS patients.

As a result, it has been reported that patients become more observant about their own moods and can change their reactions to daily situations consciously. Moreover; male patients reported that their families observed changes in mood and provided more support and encouragement. Overall, all patients reported that lifestyle changes and improved quality of life helped them.

Smile more at life with more Yoga. 🙂

Further reading

  • Alphonsus KB, Su Y, D’Arcy C. The effect of exercise, yoga and physiotherapy on the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. Published online 2019. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2019.02.010
  • Cohen ET, Kietrys D, Fogerite SG, et al. Feasibility and Impact of an 8-Week Integrative Yoga Program in People with Moderate Multiple Sclerosis-Related Disability: A Pilot Study. Int J MS Care. 2017;19(1):30-39. doi:10.7224/1537-2073.2015-046
  • Cramer H, Lauche R, Azizi H, Dobos G, Langhorst J. Yoga for multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2014;9(11):e112414. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112414
  • Dobson R, Giovannoni G. Multiple sclerosis – a review. Eur J Neurol. 2019;26(1):27-40. doi:10.1111/ene.13819
  • Dunne J, Chih HJ, Begley A, et al. A randomised controlled trial to test the feasibility of online mindfulness programs for people with multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. Published online 2021. doi:10.1016/j.msard.2020.102728
  • Fasczewski KS, Garner LVM, Clark LA, Michels HS, Migliarese SJ. Medical Therapeutic Yoga for multiple sclerosis: examining self-efficacy for physical activity, motivation for physical activity, and quality of life outcomes. Disabil Rehabil. Published online 2020. doi:10.1080/09638288.2020.1760364
  • Field T. Yoga research review. Complement Ther Clin Pract. Published online 2016. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.06.005
  • Gannon S, Life D. Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul. Ballantine Books; 2002.
  • Skarlis C, Anagnostouli M. The role of melatonin in Multiple Sclerosis. Neurol Sci. Published online 2020. doi:10.1007/s10072-019-04137-2
  • Thakur P, Mohammad A, Rastogi YR, Saini R V., Saini AK. Yoga as an intervention to manage multiple sclerosis symptoms. J Ayurveda Integr Med. Published online 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jaim.2019.04.005
  • Vasudevan S, Devulapally S, Chirravuri K, Elangovan V, Kesavan N. Personalized Yoga Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis: Effect on Symptom Management and Quality of Life. Int J Yoga Therap. Published online 2020. doi:10.17761/2021-d-19-00037
  • Young HJ, Mehta TS, Herman C, Wang F, Rimmer JH. The Effects of M2M and Adapted Yoga on Physical and Psychosocial Outcomes in People With Multiple Sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Published online 2019. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2018.06.032

The question of how spiders build webs has been answered.

Johns Hopkins University researchers have uncovered exactly how spiders build webs, using night vision and artificial intelligence to track and record every movement of their eight legs as they work in the dark.

A new understanding has been revealed of how spiders can create webs, and structures of such grace, complexity and geometric precision by these magnificent creatures. The results of the researchers’ study were published in the high-impact (2020 Impact Factor=10.834) journal of Cell Press, a respected publishing house, called Current Biology.

spider, web, spider web, spiders

Andrew Gordus, the senior author of the study, said: “I first started this topic while birding with my son. After seeing a magnificent net, I thought, ‘If you went to a zoo and saw a chimpanzee doing this, you would think it was an amazing and impressive chimpanzee.’ This is even more surprising because “A spider’s brain is so small, and I’m frustrated that we don’t know more about how this unusual behaviour occurs. We’ve now described the choreography of web formation that has never been done in such fine resolution for any animal architecture.” this made a statement.

Spiders, which blindly construct webs using only their sense of touch, have fascinated people for centuries. Andrew Gordus explained that the first step to understanding how the relatively small brains of these animal architects support high-level construction projects is to systematically document, analyze and record actions related to behaviours and motor skills that have never been done before.

In their study, the research team used a spider species (Uloborus diversus) native to the western United States that is small enough to fit comfortably on a fingertip. He designed a lab environment with infrared cameras and lights to observe the spiders during their nocturnal web-building work.

spider, spider web, web, spiders

With this setup, they tracked and recorded six spiders as they formed their webs each night. They tracked and documented millions of individual leg movements with machine vision software explicitly designed to detect limb movement.

The researchers found that their web-forming behaviour was quite similar among spiders, such that they were able to predict the part of the web that a spider is working on by simply seeing the position of one leg.

“Even though the final structure is slightly different, the rules they use to build the network are the same. They all use the same rules, which confirms that the rules are encoded in their brains. Now we want to know how these rules are encoded at the level of neurons.”

Abel Cover, a lead author of the study, said: “The spider is fascinating because here you have an animal with a brain built on the same basic building blocks as ours, and this work could offer clues to how we might understand larger brain systems, including humans, and I think it’s very exciting. ” made the statement.

Study authors included Nicholas Wilkerson, a former John Hopkins undergraduate and now a graduate student at Atlantic Veterinary College, and Jeremy Miller, a graduate student at Johns Hopkins.

Further Reading: Abel Corver, Nicholas Wilkerson, Jeremiah Miller, Andrew Gordus. Distinct movement patterns generate stages of spider web building. Current Biology, 2021; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.030

Source: Johns Hopkins University. “Spiders’ web secrets unraveled: Researchers document every step of spider-web building.” ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211101105356.htm (accessed November 9, 2021).